Wednesday 4 September 2013


Some logical reasoning questions ask you to determine the method the speaker is using when he or she presents
the argument.Method-of-argument questions ask you to demonstrate an understanding of how a
speaker’s argument is put together. To determine the method of argument, again focus on the conclusion
and on the evidence presented.What method does the speaker use to link the two?
Answer question 1. on the basis of the information below.

I know that our rules prohibit members from bringing more than one guest at a time to the club, but I think there should be an exception to
the rule on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Members should be allowed to bring multiple guests on those days, since the majority of
members use the club facilities on the other four days of the week.

1. The rules restricting the number of guests a member can bring to the club probably are intended to

a. assure that members are not crowded by the presence of guests.
b. provide extra income for the club on slow days.
c. allow members to bring guests to the club for special events.
d. restrict guests to public areas of the club.
e. control the exact number of people in the club at any time.

Answer questions 2 and 3 on the basis of the information below.

A recent study on professional football players showed that this new ointment helps relieve joint pain. My mother has arthritis, and I told
her she should try it, but she says it probably won’t help her.

2. What argument should the mother use to point out why the ointment probably will not help her arthritis?

a. The ointment was just experimental.
b. The ointment is expensive.
c. Football players’ joint pain is not the result of arthritis.
d. She has already tried another ointment and it didn’t work.
e. Football players are generally younger than she is.

3. Which of the following, if true, would strengthen the speaker’s argument?

a. The mother used to be a professional bowler.
b. Football players’ injuries are rarely painful.
c. The mother’s arthritis only flares up in bad weather.
d. The mother finds exercise helps her arthritis.
e. Football players who are injured tend to develop arthritis.

Answer questions 4 through 5 on the basis of the information below.

Giving children computers in grade school is a waste of money and teachers’ time. These children are too young to learn how to use computers
effectively and need to spend time on learning the basics, like arithmetic and reading. After all, a baby has to crawl before she can walk.

4. Which of the following methods of argument is used in the previous passage?

a. a specific example that illustrates the speaker’s point
b. attacking the beliefs of those who disagree with the speaker
c. relying on an analogy to prove the speaker’s point
d. displaying statistics that back up the speaker’s point
e. comparing different methods of learning

5. Which of the following, if true, would strengthen the speaker’s argument?
a. studies showing computers are expensive
b. research on the effect of computer games on children
c. examples of high school students who use computers improperly
d. proof that the cost of computers is coming down
e. evidence that using computers makes learning to read difficult

6. Which of the following, if true, would weaken the speaker’s argument?

a. a demonstration that computers can be used to teach reading and arithmetic
b. analysis of the cost-effectiveness of new computers versus repairing old computers
c. examples of adults who do not know how to use computers
d. recent grade reports of students in the computer classes
e. a visit to a classroom where computers are being used

Answer questions 7 and 8 on the basis of the information below.

The corner of Elm and Third needs to have a stoplight. Children cross this intersection on the way to school, and sometimes, they do not check
for traffic. I’ve seen several children almost get hit by cars at this corner. I know that stoplights are
not cheap, and I know that children cannot be protected from every danger, but this is one of the
worst intersections in town. There needs to be a stoplight here so that traffic will be slowed down
and the children can walk more safely.

7. Which of the following methods of argument is used in the above passage?

a. analogy—comparing the intersection to something dangerous
b. emotion—referring to the safety of children to get people interested
c. statistical analysis—noting the number of children almost hit and the cost of a stop light
d. personalization—telling the story of one child’s near accident at the intersection
e. attack—pointing out that people who are against the stoplight do not care about children

8. Which of the following, if true, would weaken the speaker’s argument?

a. Sometimes, cars run red lights.
b. Fewer children are injured at corners that have stoplights.
c. If parents teach their children basic traffic safety, then they might remember to look for cars.
d. Children from this neighborhood used to take the bus to a school farther away.
e. In the last year, there have only been three minor accidents at the intersection and none of them involved children.


1. a. Because the speaker is arguing that multiple guests should be allowed when fewer members are present, the purpose of the rule is to make
sure members are not crowded by the presence of guests. There is no support for choices b, c, or d. Choice e is attractive, but it is not the best
choice because there is no way the club could control which members would be at the club at any one time.
2. c. Joint pain caused by physical activity and that caused by arthritis may not respond the same
way to medication.

3. e. This would indicate that the conditions of the football players and the speaker’s mother are

4. c. The speaker uses analogies to compare crawling with learning arithmetic and reading and to
compare walking with using a computer. The speaker is making the point that, in both cases, a child needs to learn one before learning the

5. e. This evidence would back up the speaker’s contention that young students should learn the
basics before learning computers. Choices a and d, which are both about cost, would have no effect on the argument. Choices b and c are
too vague.

6. a. If computers enhance the learning of arithmetic and reading, the speaker’s argument is not as strong.

7.b. The speaker refers to the safety of children because most people are concerned about that.
The speaker does not make a comparison (choice a). Choice c can be ruled out because the speaker does not give a specific number.
Choices d and e are incorrect because the speaker doesn’t give an account of any specific child, nor does he or she use any method of

8. e. Since the speaker is basing the argument on the safety of children, if there were only a few
accidents and none involved children, the argument is weaker.