Friday 30 August 2013


1. Two numbers are respectively 25% and 20% less than a third number. What percent is the first number of the second.
(A) 5.85%
(B) 75.85%
(C) 80.60%
(D) 93.75%
Ans (D)
2. A pump can fill a tank with water in two hours. Because of a leak in the tank it was taking two 1/3 hours to fill the tank. The leak can drain all the water off the tank in.
(A) 8 hours
(B) 7 hours
(C) 13/3 hours
(D) 14 hours
Ans (D)
3. A can do a peace of work in 4 hours. B and C can do it in 3 hours. A and C can do it in two hours. How long will B take to do it?
(A) 10 hours
(B) 12 hours
(C) 8 hours
(D) 24 hours
Ans (B)
4. The difference between the simple and compound interest on a certain sum of money at 5% rate of interest p.a. for two years is Rs.15. Then the sum is _____
(A) Rs.6500
(B) Rs.5500
(C) Rs.6000
(D) Rs.7000
Ans (C)
5. A sum borrowed under compound interest doubles itself in 10 years. When will it become four fold of itself at the same rate of interest?
(A) 15 years
(B) 20 years
(C) 24 years
(D) 40 years
()Ans (B)
6. The students in three classes are in the ratio of 2:3:5 if 40 students are increased in each class the ratio changes to 4:5:7 if 40 students are increased in each class the ratio changes to 4:5:7 originally the total number of students was _______
(A) 100
(B) 180
(C) 200
(D) 400
Ans (C)
7. The ratio of incomes of two persons is 5:3 and that of their expenditure is 9.5. Find the income of each person if they save Rs.1300 and Rs.900 respectively.
(A) Rs.4000, Rs.2400
(B) Rs.3000, Rs.1800
(C) Rs.5000, Rs.3000
(D) Rs.4500, Rs.2700
Ans (A)
8. A fort has provision for 50 days if after 10 days they are strengthen by 500 men and the remaining food lasts 35 days. How many men were there in the fort initially?
(A) 3500
(B) 3000
(C) 2500
(D) 4000
Ans (A)
9. A number is increased by 20% and then it is decreased by 10%. Find the net increase or decrease in %
(A) 10% increase
(B) 10% decrease
(C) 8%increase
(D) 8% decrease
Ans (C)
10. The product of two positive numbers is 2500 if one number is 4 times the other, the sum of the two numbers is ______
(A) 25
(B) 125
(C) 225
(D) 250
Ans (B)
11. Which of the following is the largest number which is exactly devisable by 7,9 and 15?
(A) 9450
(B) 9765
(C) 9865
(D) 9550
Ans (B)
12. What percent of 5/8 is 8/5?
(A) 100
(B) 64
(C) 256
(D) 1024
Ans (C)
13. 2.3 + 6.5 - 7.1 + 4.9 -1.4 + 8.6 - 5.3?
(A) 8.5
(B) 8.6
(C) 8.7
(D) 8.4
Ans (A)
14. Example of a mathematical statement is ______
(A) (10+8)-9
(B) 2x+3=5
(C) 5<9+3
(D) x+3
Ans (C)
15. If 4x = 10 then X=?
(A) 10-4
(B) 10 X 4
(C) 10 +4
(D) 10/4
Ans (D)
16. a and b are two numbers. The property of a = b then b=a is called _______
(A) Reflexive property
(B) Transitive property
(C) Symmetric property
(D) Associative property
Ans (C)
17. "10 added to 5 times x is equal to 20" in symbolic form is _______
(A) 5(x+10)=20
(B) 5x+10=20
(C) x/5+10=20
(D) 5x-10=20
Ans (B)
18. The point equidistant from the vertices of a triangle is its_____
(A) Orthocentre
(B) Centroid
(C) circumcentre
(D) Incentre
Ans (C)
19. The centroid of a triangle is the point of concurrence of its
(A) angle bisectors
(B) perpendicular bisector
(C) altitudes
(D) medians
Ans (D)
20. If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 1:2:7 then the triangle is ______
(A) acute angled
(B) obtuse angled
(C) right angled
(D) isosceles
Ans (D)
21. Two sides of a triangle are 8cm and 11cm then the possible third side is____
(A) 1 cm
(B) 2 cm
(C) 3 cm
(D) 4 cm
Ans (D)
22. A triangle always has exactly
(A) one acute angle
(B) at least two acute angles
(C) exactly one right angle
(D) exactly two acute angles
Ans (B)
23. Two trains A and B are running at the speeds of 45 KMPH and 25 KMPH respectively in the same direction. The faster train i.e. train A crosses a Man sitting in the slower train B in 18 secs. Find the length of the train A?
(A) 100 metres
(B) 120 metres
(C) 150 meters
(D) 180 meters
Ans (A)
24. A circular road runs round a circular ground. If the difference between the circumference of the outer circle and inner circle is 44 meters, find the width of road.
(A) 8 meters
(B) 7 meters
(C) 17 meters
(D) 9 meters
Ans (B)
25. A and B started a business in partnership. A invested Rs.2000/- for six months and B invested Rs.1500 for 8 months. What is the share of A in total profit of Rs.510?
(A) Rs.250
(B) Rs.255
(C) Rs.275
(D) Rs.280
Ans (B)

Thursday 29 August 2013


Try some reasoning questions that ask you to translate English words into an artificial language. Firstly you will be given a list of three “nonsense” words and their English word meanings. The question that follow will ask you to reverse the process and translate an English word into the artificial language. Your best approach to this type of question is to look for elements (parts) of the “nonsense”words that repeat. This is the best way to translate from the imaginary language to English. For example, if you know that linsmerk means oak tree and linsdennel means oak table, then you know that lins means oak. And, if lins means oak, merk must mean tree, and dennel must mean table. When you discover what a word element means in English, write it down. Then, look for the word elements that appear both on the list answer choices.

1. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
granamelke means big tree, pinimelke means little tree,  melkehoon means tree house
Which word could mean “big house”?
a. granahoon
b. pinishur
c. pinihoon
d. melkegrana

2. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
lelibroon means yellow hat, plekafroti means flower garden, frotimix means garden salad
Which word could mean “yellow flower”?
a. lelifroti
b. lelipleka
c. plekabroon
d. frotibroon

3. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
moolokarn means blue sky, wilkospadi means bicycle race, moolowilko means blue bicycle
Which word could mean “racecar”?
a. wilkozwet
b. spadiwilko
c. moolobreil
d. spadivolo

4. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
daftafoni means advisement, imodafta means misadvise, imolokti means misconduct
Which word could mean “statement”?
a. kratafoni
b. kratadafta
c. loktifoni
d. daftaimo

5. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
dionot means oak tree, blyonot means oak leaf, blycrin means maple leaf
Which word could mean “maple syrup”?
a. blymuth
b. hupponot
c. patricrin
d. crinweel

6. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
agnoscrenia means poisonous spider, delanocrenia means poisonous snake, agnosdeery means brown spider
Which word could mean “black widow
a. deeryclostagnos
b. agnosdelano
c. agnosvitriblunin
d. trymuttiagnos

7. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
myncabel means saddle horse, conowir means trail ride, cabelalma means horse blanket
Which word could mean “horse ride”?
a. cabelwir
b. conocabel
c. almamyn
d. conoalma

8. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
godabim means kidney stones, romzbim means kidney beans, romzbako means wax beans
Which word could mean “wax statue”?
a. godaromz
b. lazbim
c. wasibako
d. romzpeo

9. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
tamceno means sky blue, cenorax means blue cheese, aplmitl means star bright
Which word could mean “bright sky”?
a. cenotam
b. mitltam
c. raxmitl
d. aplceno

10. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
gorblflur means fan belt, pixngorbl means ceiling fan, arthtusl means tile roof
Which word could mean “ceiling tile”?
a. gorbltusl
b. flurgorbl
c. arthflur
d. pixnarth

11. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
hapllesh means cloudburst, srenchoch means pinball, resbosrench means ninepin
Which word could mean “cloud nine”?
a. leshsrench
b. ochhapl
c. haploch
d. haplresbo

12. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
migenlasan means cupboard, lasanpoen means boardwalk, cuopdansa means pullman
Which word could mean “walkway”?
a. poenmigen
b. cuopeisel
c. lasandansa
d. poenforc


1. a. Grana means big; melke means tree; pini means little; hoon means house. Therefore, granahoon means big house.
2.b. Leli means yellow; broon means hat; pleka means flower; froti means garden; mix means
salad. Therefore, lelipleka means yellow flower.
3.d. From wilkospadi, you can determine that wilko means bicicyle and spadi means race. Therefore, the first part of the word that means racecar should begin with spadi. That limits your
choices to b and d. Choice b, spadiwilko, is incorrect because we have already determined
that wilko means bicycle. Therefore, the answer must be choice d, spadivolo.
4. a. Dafta means advise; foni is the same as the suffix –ment; imo is the same as the prefix
mis–; lokti means conduct. Since the only word in the answer choices that hasn’t been
defined is krata, it is reasonable to assume that krata means state. Therefore, kratafoni is
the only choice that could mean statement.
5. c. In this language, the adjective follows the noun. From dionot and blyonot, you can determine that onot means oak. From blyonot and blycrin, you can determine that bly means leaf. Therefore, crin means maple. Because the adjective maple comes after the noun, patricrin is the only possible choice.
6. c. In this language, the noun appears first and the adjectives follow. Since agnos means spider and should appear first, choices a and d can be ruled out. Choice b can be ruled out because delano means snake.
7. a. Myn means saddle; cabel means horse; cono means trail; and wir means ride. Therefore,
cabelwir is the correct answer.
8. c. In this language, the adjective follows the noun. From godabim and romzbim, you can determine that bim means kidney. From romzbim and romzbako, you can determine that romz
means beans. Therefore, bako means wax. Because the adjective wax must come after the
noun in this language, wasibako is the only choice.
9.b. Tam means sky; ceno means blue; rax means cheese; apl means star; and mitl means bright. So, mitltam means bright sky.
10.d. Gorbl means fan; flur means belt; pixn means ceiling; arth means tile; and tusl means roof. Therefore, pixnarth is the correct choice.
11.d. Hapl means cloud; lesh means burst; srench means pin; och means ball; and resbo means nine. Leshsrench (choice a) doesn’t contain any of the words needed for cloud nine. We know that och means ball, so that rules out choices b and c. When you combine hapl (cloud) with resbo (nine), you get the correct answer.
12.d. Migen means cup; lasan means board; poen means walk; cuop means pull; and dansa means man. The only possible choices, then, are choices a and d. Choice a can be ruled out
because migen means cup.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Questions of Marketing Aptitude for Bank PO & Bank Clerk Exam 2013

1. Consumer behavior, ‘Perception is a process through which
(a) a consumer make ultimate purchasing
(b) a consumer is satisfied
(c) a consumer’s mind receives, organizes and interprets physical stimuli
(d) Both (a) and (c)
Ans; (c)

2. Sales forecast implies
(a) an estimate of the maximum possible sales opportunities present in a particular market segment
(b) an estimate of sales, in physical units, in a future period
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
Ans: (c)
3. In ‘Double-win’ strategy-
(a) Customer gets an additional benefit
(b) Customer gets price debate. 
(c) Both customs and the sales person come out with sense of satisfaction
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Ans: (b)
4. In advertising for ………… is not allowed on T.V
(a) Liquour
(b) Cigarattes
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
Ans: (c)

5. A theory states that no matter how efficiently goods / services are produced, if they cannot be delivered to the customer in the quickest possible time it is vain.
This theory is called
(a) Quickest the best
(b) Instant service
(c) Service on time
(d) Timely effort
Ans: (b)

6. Entrepreneurs find direct marketing the attractive because of
(a) Investment is low
(b) It doesn’t required specialized skills
(c) Returns are quick
(d) All of the above
ANs; (d)

7. Demonstration is an exercise to
(a) attractively pack and display the goods
(b) prove the characteristic of the product
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) and (b)
Ans; (b)

8. Which among the following is not an example of Direct marketing ?
(a) tele-marketing
(b) sales on internet
(c) mail order sales
(d) Retail stores
Ans: (d)

9. In selling ‘consumption’ is the ultimate goal of the salesman while a marketer –
(a) identify consumer needs
(b) develop an appropriate product / service to attain customer satisfaction
(c) accomplish organizational goals through integrated marketing approach
(d) All of the above

10. In Banking services, market can be segmented on the basis of
(a) density
(b) customers
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
Ans: (c)

11. Which of the following is not a ‘Post testing’ Technique of advertisement ?
(a) Sales test
(b) Focus group
(c) Enquiry test
(d) Attitude test
Ans: (d)

12. ‘Casual’ research is basically concerned with
(a) establishing cause and effect relationship
(b) arriving at a forecast or prediction of interest
(c) measuring and estimating the frequencies with which of things occur
(d) All of the above.
Ans; (a)

13. A method, in which Brand equity is measured by comparing difference between the retail price of the brand and the retail price of an unbranded product in the same category is called:
(a) Brand goodwill method
(b) Price premium method
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
ANs: (b)

14. Media planning includes:
(a) assessing lost
(b) selecting the right medium
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
Ans: (c)

15. In India, which commission can be approached to curb misleading advertisements
(a) MRTP
(b) MTP
(c) ISPT
(d) QTP
Ans: (a)

16. In marketing ‘initiator’ is a term which describes
(a) who determines that some need is not being met and authorities a purchase to rectify the situation
(b) who most directly involved in the consumption of the product
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
Ans; (a)

17. What is the full form of LIC
(a) Life Insurance Corporation
(b) Life Insurance Commission
(c) Life India Corporation
(d) None of these
Ans: (a)

18. …………… recently has raised its stake beyond 10% in a few blue chip companies even after the insurance regulator IRDA decided to impose a cap of 10% on the institution’s investment in a single company.
(a) Life Insurance Corporation
(b) General Insurance Corporation
(c) Tata-AIG Insurance
(d) None of these
Ans: (a)

19. Life Insurance Corporation has made fresh investments in which of the following companies in which the investor now holds more than 10% of their respective equity capital.
(a) Siemens
(b) PTC India
(c) Tata Power
(d) Cipla
(e) All of these
Ans: (e)

20. RATAN Tata has finally pulled out its Nano car project from ………. ending months of speculations about the fate of the country’s most awaited car.
(a) Singur
(b) Salboni
(c) Pantnagar
(d) None of these
Ans: (a)

21. Name India’s largest company by market capitalization.
(a) Reliance Industries
(b) Tata Steel
(c) Jindal Steel
(d) None of these
Ans: (a)

22. The promoters of Reliance Industries (RIL) recently converted their 12 crore warrants into an equal number of shares hiking the promoter’s holding in the company to 49%, with 52% voting rights. This involves an infusion of around …………. into the company.
(a) Rs 15,142 crore
(b) Rs 16,142 crore
(c) Rs 5,142 crore
(d) Rs 10,142 crore
Ans: (a)

23. SAP consultancy Axon Group is based on which country ?
(a) UK
(b) India
(c) Germany
(d) Italy
Ans: (a)

24. Which is SAP consultancy Axon Group in the news recently ?
(a) SAP consultancy Axon Group will recommend HCL Technologies’ £441.1-million buyout offer to its shareholders, withdrawing its earlier recommendation of Infosys’ £407-million offer.
(b) SAP consultancy Axon Group will open 500 training centres in Asia
(c) SAP consultancy Axon Group will recommend buying of TCS
(d) None of these
Ans: (a)

25. ICICI Bank, CEO and managing director KV Kamath is taking the help of …………………. to find his successor. The professor will obtain independent data regarding the leadership attributes of the shorlisted senior management executives. Name the professor
(a) Professor Wayne Brockbank, a clinical professor of business at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business
(b) Director of IIM, Ahmadabad
(c) Ministry of Human Resource, Govt of India
(d) A committee formed of Professor from all IITs
Ans: (a)

Tuesday 27 August 2013

How To Prepare for Banking Competition Exam

As we are knowing that today the nation economy is very much dependent on the Bank's Work and for that Banking Personnel Department  is looking to hire for the talented People.
In India Banking Job is a lucrative job and nearly more than 36 lakh applications are dropping every year and nearly 10000 people is only selected that means only creamy people is selected for the examination.
Now, the question comes how to prepare for the exam and How to crack the exam.  It could be done by proper guidance and proper training which I will take care of you.  So no  need to worry, just follow my foot prints